woensdag 29 juli 2009
A Sneaker Evolution
The sneaker has been around since the 1800s when the Industrial Revolution took hold on America and rubber began being produced. Sneakers were once called plimsolls when they were first made in the 1800s as a plain rubber soled shoe. Goodyear, now a tire manufacturer, began as a rubber shoe company and in 1892 introduced Keds Ò to the world. The word “sneaker” was also introduced to the world about a decade later when an advertising agent gave these rubber soled shoes the name sneakers because the soles were so quiet and didn’t make any noise on any surface.
Converse was the next company to release a sneaker to the world in 1917. They called it the Converse All Star and it was the shoe worn by basketball players. This shoe – the Converse All Star – later became the Chuck Taylor All Star and became a necessity to basketball players, kids and others for more than 50 years.
Adi and Rudolph Dassler introduced the first shoe used for tennis, or the tennis shoe, in 1931 and the brand name Adidas was born. Soon after Rudolph Dassler teamed with Puma Schuhfabrik to produce the Puma brand shoe for football.
It took until the 1950s for sneakers to be the preferred footwear of teenagers after James Dean was photographed wearing his jeans and white sneakers. Girls and boys wore their sneakers as a symbol of rebellion.
In 1968 the sneaker giant Nike enters the sneaker scene after Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman partner to create Blue Ribbon Sports shoes which was later changed to Nike after the Greek Goddess of Victory. In 1971 the famous Nike swoosh was bought from a graphic design student for a mere $35! In 1979 Nike created the first Nike Air sole shoe claiming a revolutionary air-cushioning shoe. They introduce the first shoe using this technology called the Nike Tailwind. However, one of the most memorable shoe lines that Nike released was the Air Jordan which hit the markets in 1985.
Since then Nike has captured the athletic shoe market. In 2001 they introduced their Nike Shox advanced support technology. This system uses columns of engineered foam to give runners and athletes superior cushioning and support. This was a new revolution in shoe design.
Nike continued to lead the market in 2003 and acquired Converse, Inc. The Chuck Taylor All Star is reintroduced and is again a fashion staple in the lives of teenagers across the country.
Sneakers have come so far that they are not strictly for athletes anymore. In 2004 Reebok formed a partnership with music professionals to create their Sound and Rhythm line. This was done on an attempt to grow and heighten sales and to recognize the growing popularity of the music industry and it’s effect on today’s youth.
Whether you are a professional athlete, casual athlete, music enthusiast or lover of fashion only, there is sure to be several pairs of sneakers in your wardrobe to fit every facet of your life. But did you ever know that this staple item had such an interesting history behind it?
dinsdag 28 juli 2009
Age difference – is it important?
Until recent years there was a tendency among Russian/Ukrainian women to marry men close to their age who were either their high school sweethearts or college and university pals. Statistics show that 50-60% of marriages break within first three years of the union. Many women end up leaving the relationship with children, as well as disappointment in men their age from their home country. As a result, they turn to foreign men who are older and expect them to be more courteous, wise and caring.
An additional factor in searching for older men is also women's psychological perception. Since many girls grow up in "incomplete" families and are abandoned by their fathers, when they search for a relationship, on a subconscious level they veer more towards older partners. In other words, they are looking for a "father figure". They sometimes don’t even realize it, but when they turn to older men, they are looking for someone to be their protector, someone who'd take care of them and give them security they were deprived of as a child.
Although such pressure is getting less in the current days, until recently a lady could be viewed as an old maid unless she got married by the age of 22-23. On the contrary, most men do not face much pressure and begin getting serious about starting a family only close to their 30s. That automatically puts a 7-8 year difference between the partners. Add to it the time that men spent with the "wrong" partner in a previous marriage or relationship, and that puts available male candidates right at their late 30s – early 40s, which creates such a drastic age difference between the ladies and them.
Bottom line is: true love has no boundaries. If you find someone who seems attractive and interests you as a person, be daring and take a chance of finding your Russian bride despite the age and distance.
maandag 27 juli 2009
A Sweet Way To Make A Difference
Fans of ice cream-whether it's on a stick, in a cup or on top of a cone-can visit Icecream.com to "stick up" for kids with cancer.
For every virtual frozen pop stick message sent from the site between May 15 and Dec. 31, 2006, Nestlé Ice Cream will donate 25 cents to City of Hope Cancer Center, where the money will be used for pediatric cancer research, treatment and education.
Visitors to Icecream.com are invited to write some words of inspiration, a favorite joke or simply a message of hope on a virtual frozen pop stick that will be shared with kids who are currently undergoing treatment.
At the end of the program, the number of virtual frozen pop sticks will be counted and an equivalent number of real-life frozen pop sticks will be used to construct a sculpture. A talented artist will design a kid-friendly, whimsical sculpture that will be placed at City of Hope to remind children that people throughout the country are wishing them well.
The sculpture will be erected in spring 2007 and an image of the sculpture may be placed on selected frozen treat packages to support and grow the program.
"Nestlé Ice Cream is proud to partner with City of Hope to support research and treatment programs that will benefit kids with cancer," said Maggie Hughs, senior manager, Nestlé Ice Cream. "We hope enabling ice cream fans across the nation to send a virtual message of hope will not only help this worthwhile cause, but also inspire both the sender and recipient of each message."
City of Hope is one of the world's leading research and treatment centers for cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening diseases. Named by U.S. News & World Report as one of America's best medical centers for cancer treatment, City of Hope is a Comprehensive Cancer Center, the highest designation bestowed by the National Cancer Institute, and a founding member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. Founded in 1913, City of Hope is a pioneer in the fields of bone marrow transplantation and genetics.
City of Hope's scientific knowledge is shared with medical centers locally and globally, helping patients battling life-threatening diseases.
zondag 26 juli 2009
9 Secrets about Romanian Brides
“gentle, respectful, and loving”
“strongly maternal and family-oriented”
“plays a subordinate role to men in both the public and private spheres”
“a mail order bride does not really ask for a lot”
I am sure that you have read these facts about women who are seeking a western man for marriage or friendship. But how can we classify thousands of women just in a few words?
The scarcity of suitable husbands in Romania has led many marriage-minded Romanian women to explore the possibility of pursuing a Western man.
1. Romanian mail order brides are not character-less toy dolls. She needs what every woman needs: a good husband.
While there is no denial that a substantial number of foreign brides hope to live a better life in a western culture, it is just as legitimate to argue that a fat bank account does not top the list of qualities that these women look for in a man.
What women want is a man who is honest, loyal, sincere, respectful, and able to provide for her children basic needs. The same happens with western women too.
2. A Romanian bride does not harbor the illusion of landing a millionaire for a husband, but instead pins her hopes on finding a man with strength of character, a shared respect for family values, and the financial means to adequately support a family.
Romanian woman perceive Western men as decent, responsible, easy going guys who know how to treat their women well.
3. Because she is a healthy balance of traditional values and a modern, tolerant outlook, the Romanian brides possesses the intelligence and sensibility to adapt to a western environment without sacrificing her norms and customs.
4. Most of the ladies who apply to dating agencies can at least read and understand English.There are doctors, lawyers, teachers, government employees, sales clerks with ages ranging from 18 to 40-plus.
5. A Romanian bride is just seeking the man of his life. Are You the one?
If you believe in destiny you should check out some Romanian brides. Your soulmate can be right there.
6. Just BE YOURSELF when you get in touch with these women and you will be surprised to see the success you'll have.
7. NEVER try impersonate someone you are not. Not only will you come across as insincere, but you will also feel uncomfortable and make others feel this way right along with you.
8. Never tell lies to your date or pretend anything about your life that isn't true. If this is your perfect match for God's sake do not allow it to be ruined by some silly lie told early on.
Trying to be cool, aggressive generally just makes you awkward and unapproachable. Relax, be natural, be the you that your friends and others who know and like you, see and appreciate.
9. Show Enthusiasm but stop acting like Kiss-Ass Wussbags. Romanian Brides are looking for someone that would ADD VALUE to their lives!
And don't forget that you don't have to impress all the women, only those which are things in common with you: same goals, same interests. You have to know what are you looking for.
Just try, maybe you are single only because you haven't searched in the right place yet. :)
zaterdag 25 juli 2009
A Moving Experience
I need a way to move my stuff. Daddy, can I borrow your truck? You don’t have one? Why not? Do you want one? I’ll help you pick it out! Well, it was just a suggestion. No need to get all bent out of shape! I guess I’d better call the truck rental places. What do you mean…$200…PLUS mileage? AND Gas? Good grief!
While I’m on the phone I’ll call the utility and phone companies. Yes, I know I haven’t used your services before. No, I don’t have a credit card; this is my first place. You want what? A $100 deposit? For EACH? Holy cow…do you people have a license to steal?
Daddy, I need $500 for moving expenses! I used all my money for the first and last months rent AND the damage deposit. Well, how was I to know this was going to be so expensive? Sell something? Daaaaad…I NEED my TV!
Boy, this place is pretty empty. Maybe I should buy a couch and a chair. Nah…I have my bed. That’ll be good enough. I don’t need a table; I’ll just use this box.
Renters Insurance? I don’t think so! What do I have to insure?
Just got my first phone call! I’d love to come to your party! Daddy, I need a car. Because it’s too far to walk to work, that’s why. Umm, Daddy…there’s car insurance too! Thanks, Dad…you’re the best! And gas? I didn’t think so…
Time for dinner. Let’s look in these boxes. Oh, No! No dishes or pans. No FOOD!
Uhhh, Mom?
vrijdag 24 juli 2009
A Look into Cool
Motorcycles and Cars: Many people who are looking to be cool will buy a motorcycle, maybe a Harley Davidson, a big sports bike or a sports car. This is because they feel that a fast car or motorcycle will make people look at them in a positive way, but in reality most people think less of these people.
Clothes, many people like to spend lots of money on the latest fashions to help them improve their image, thinking that people will find them interesting because they know what the hot new things to wear are.
Music: many people will find out what music is being played at the most popular clubs and drive around blasting it from their cars to make people think they are cool because they listen to the same music that is played in all the hot clubs.
Online and Casino Gambling: gambling has become a very popular thing in recent years and with Poker shows popping up on all the TV channels, many people think it is cool to go to the casinos dressed up like famous poker players, including vests with patches from sponsors. As un-cool as dressing like a professional poker player may be playing casino games like Craps, Poker and Blackjack may be cool, games like Sic Bo, Keno and slot machines are not cool unless you hit a Multi Million Dollar jackpot.
Bling: Bling is a term for gold ad silver jewelry, and in recent years the rule has become the cooler you want to appear the large your jewelry must be. For the most part these people are spending lots of money trying to look cool but wind up looking like fools.
Physical Fitness: in recent years many people have decided that if you want to look cool you have to belong to a gym, the people in the gym that are there just to look cool are always easy to spot. They are usually found sitting at the juice bar or in the hot tub. If they do ever actually do any type of workout it is usually ridding a bike for 5 minutes and before they even break a sweat they have to stop.
But the truth is that cool is not about what you have and how you look it is about who you are, and if you are choosing your car, your clothes, your music and anything else so that other people will believe you are cool and not because you enjoy these things then as cool as you may think you are, is in direct proportion to how cool you are not.
Being cool is not about wanting to be cool, being cool is about not caring what other people think and living life to its fullest, and in doing this you will find others with the same interests and these people will think of you as cool.
So I guess the key to being cool is just to make friends with people who enjoy the same things you enjoy and in doing so you will find that as your self image increases your need to be cool decreases, and then you will be cool.
donderdag 23 juli 2009
The first letter to your bride
If you want to write a first letter to a lady you should make it almost perfect! In this way you can find a new friend or even your love. This letter will make the first impression about you that will affect on your relationship.
If you follow our warning tips and instructions, based on many years of experience, you'll achieve success very soon.
• STEP 1: Be friendly and polite. You should use friendly and polite words in your letter because it's very important to show your respect to your Russian bride. You'd better don't use nicknames and phrases like: "Hey baby" or "My hot girl" in your very first introductory letter, it's better to make a pleasant compliment for her instead. Don't worry if you really like using these words you can do it a bit later. Just wait till lady opens up for you.• STEP 2: Keep your tone upbeat. Your letter should reflect your great mood and optimism. If you tell your future Russian bride about your difficulties, problems and complaints in your very first letter, it will definitely scare her away. Show her how happy and cheerful you are. You should understand that negativity is a major turnoff in your introduction letter. In the contrary, being positive is like a magnet. This is the example how one man began his letter: "To be quite honest, I have been putting this off as long as possible. I have friends who use dating web-sites and have had some terrible dates." This begs to ask, "what are you doing here?" And compare that with this introductory letter: "I've heard online dating is a great way to meet awesome people and that's why I want to meet you." Which one of these letter intros is more attractive? The one who wants to date "losers" or the one that wants to date "winners"? Psychologically everyone wants to be a winner. Consequently in yourvery first letter, avoid everything negative. Be positive.
• STEP 3: Share information about yourself that you think others will find interesting. Check her profile, find out about her hobbies and interests. Just imagine how it will be great if she finds out that you have so much in common.
• STEP 4: Tell the person who you are and what you are about. It will be better if you don't speak about your disadvantages in your introduction letter. In the contrary you could tell her only good things about yourself, but it's utter important to know where to stop, or else your story will look like a boasting and this won't bring positive results. Here are some phrases that will help you to describe you in a best way:
- My best friend describes me as...
- I'm happiest when I'm...
- Here's what you'd find if you looked around my place...
- A great day in my life would include...
- The last great book I read was...
- The last great movie I saw in a cinema was...
- My favorite season is...
- The color I wear most is...
- If you asked me what I'm wearing, I'd say...
- My favorite on-screen love scene is...
- The music that moves me most is...
- This morning in my car I was listening to...
- Last Saturday night I...
- The last vacation I went on was...
- The most adventurous thing I've ever done was...
- I'm happiest when I'm with someone who...
• STEP 5: Include information about your age, education and career. In accordance with statistics these three things are the most important to learn about for 80 % of ladies.
• STEP 6: You can tell about pets, favourite books, hobbies, children or anything else that might reveal a shared interest with in your new friend.
• STEP 7: Don't talk about some debatable topics. Not in a first letter. Debates and argues can be a very interesting thing to share in your letters, but only if you've already become closer to each other.
• STEP 8: Try not to overload the reader with too much information. Revealing a little bit at a time will pique the reader's interest. Remember that there must be a little secret not only in a lady but in a man as well. You'll reach great results if you make your lady wait for the next chapter of your story impatiently.
• STEP 9: Ask your future Russian bride questions so she can respond. If you speak only about yourself in your letter this won't help you at all. Remember that it's so important to have a dialog instead of monologue.
• STEP 10: Let your personality show by your choice of words and the descriptions you use.
Tips & Warnings.
• Remember not to share too much too soon. You should wait until she knows you before you reveal your family secrets and problems.• Use careful judgment when deciding how much information to share with a stranger. Always be cautious when it comes to revealing personal information.
woensdag 22 juli 2009
A Reminder to Parents: Holiday Gifts Can Open Pandora’s Box - Protect Your Child’s New PC
As technology advances, however, parents can easily give their online youngsters privacy and freedom, while at the same time protect them from the dangers online. One word: monitoring software!
Parents need to be smart when giving teens their own PC. It’s important to adopt and enforce a new set of rules, such as leaving the door open and a “no Internet after” time. Also, visit your child’s room often when they are online, and ask them questions about what websites they are visiting and who their online friends are.
“But before you even do that, as you get ready to give them the ‘big gift’ this year, make sure it is outfitted with the proper parental control software, such the latest PC Pandora release, version 5.0.” says Pandora Corp. co-founder, James Leasure.
Tools like PC Pandora make it easy to find that happy medium between teens being able to freely use the Internet socially, and parents not being left in the dark about their child’s online activity.
Co-founder Manuel Coats explains, “PC Pandora works like a TiVo for your PC, by recording and taking sequential snapshots of what is on the computer screen. This enables parents to see exactly what their children see.” Coats continues, “ In addition, it has all the features that other programs utilize, such as website filtering and blocking, time scheduling, and it will even email a busy parent at work with updates on their child’s online activity.”
The new version 5.0 boasts a revamped user interface, new webcam snapshot capture and Instant Messenger blocking.
If someone is approaching your kids with ill intentions, you will know. It’s really the best all-around defense you can get to help keep your children safe online.
As a special promotion for the holidays, the company is offering the software at a discounted price. Parents can use the code ‘holiday07’ at the pcpandora.com store to get $15 off the Standard or Pro editions of the program.
The www.PCpandora.com website has become a place where parents can go to discuss issues, get tips, educate themselves and find answers. They have an interesting Blog and you can find 18 Tips for Safe Surfing.
Online safety is an important topic, now more so than ever – and parents are the first and best line of defense for their kids. Parents, educate yourself on the Net, talk to your kids and protect your PCs with PC Pandora!
dinsdag 21 juli 2009
This Season, Think Of The Children
The same is true for our children. Our kids especially appreciate the care and love they experience here because they know what it means to suffer pain and mistreatment. I wish you could see the changes I have seen in them as they find love, faith and hope resurrected in their lives.
The Latin root of the word "resurrection" means "to lift up again." The visual image I use for resurrection is helping up someone who has fallen. Our work here at Girls and Boys Town is resurrection work. Our Christian kids are inspired by the story of Christ's resurrection. Children of other faiths connect with their own faith stories of triumph over evil to help them find help, healing and hope.
All the girls and boys we help began life like every other child in America-talented, loving and full of promise. Unfortunately, somewhere they fell down-pushed down by adults who abused or neglected them. Some fell into using drugs and alcohol, promiscuous sex, stealing, lying or hanging with a bad crowd.
"Dad was never around, and Mom was high most of the time," said Kenisha, a 14-year-old who is excelling in school today and is a member of our choir. "There were times I had to eat weird stuff because there was no food in the house. I would find an excuse to stay with friends because at least they had electricity and a real meal."
For Jason, a 16-year-old, Girls and Boys Town is providing problem-solving skills and a chance to rebuild relationships with his family. His future is much brighter than before. In fact, Jason said he is lucky to be alive.
"I just decided to be bad," Jason said. "I knew what was right and wrong and I chose to go against my parents. Pretty soon I found myself with a bunch of kids who did drugs and stole stuff. It scared me after awhile because I found myself in front of guys with guns."
Thank you for being a part of Kenisha's and Jason's resurrection. With your help, Girls and Boys Town will make this springtime a true chance for a new life for the children in America who need it most. We'll lift them up again and again until they can stand on their own.
maandag 20 juli 2009
Understanding Green Card
Originally, the Permanent Resident Card is green thus the name green card. But over the years, the card’s color has been replaced several times. By 2005, the lettering at the back of the card is the only prominent part of the card that is green and the rest it white. Still, the green card marks its title to the card and the current name in use. It contains the name and photograph plus other information of the holder. The card has also been improved a number of times to avoid counterfeiting.
The rule on the green card holder is simple. When in the United States, the holder should posses the green card at all times. This is important to avoid trouble when asked by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officer. This is one particular requirement of the law of the United States. Of course, the U.S. citizens need not to carry identification. This is simply because citizens have far greater constitutional rights than green card holders who are still considered as aliens. The rule to carry the card however does not exist before September 11, 2001 unless the person is coming from foreign trip where he/she needs to present the card upon re-entry to the United States. After September 11, 2001, this rule has been enforced that even when the green card holder is traveling domestically or residing in the country. The US Department of Homeland Security is the one responsible to randomly check residents if they are citizens or not then ask for the green card when needed.
Before, the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) are the ones who issue green cards but it was later absorbed and replaced by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The USCIS is formerly known as the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services or the BCIS which is still under the Department of Homeland Security
Getting a green card though requires a thorough and long process. It may even take years to get it. However, the application still depends on the type of criteria the applicant falls in and what country the applicant has come from. And even if he/she is most suited to become green card holder, there is a definite number of approvals per year with unlimited number of applicants.
To be eligible for a green card application, the applicant must fall in at least one of the following criteria:
One, there should be an employer ready to sponsor your to the whole green card application process. Two, you have a relative with U.S. citizenship. Three, you won the green card lottery. Four, you happen to be married with a U.S. citizen. And five, you have invested at least $500,000 on U.S. land and have created 5 full-time jobs. Other qualifications for green card are, asylum, refugee, special immigrants, adoption, private bill, and registry.
zondag 19 juli 2009
A Noble Mission
In 1999, Don established the Free Wheelchair Mission as a non-profit organization and set to work giving mobility and dignity back to disabled people in developing countries. With his PhD in Mechanical Engineering and an absolute heart of gold, Don has achieved what so many well intentioned organizations strive for. He has given thousands of people the renewed opportunity to live and experience life. And with that, he has given them hope for the future.
The initial challenge facing Don was that of developing a wheelchair that was safe and functional, but also relatively inexpensive. He set about doing research and development and, over time, came up with a design that has virtually eliminated the cost burden generally associated with wheelchairs and wheelchair production. The Free Wheelchair Mission has developed a wheelchair that sells for approximately $50.00 USF, which includes the costs of manufacturing, shipping, and distribution.
The second major challenge facing Don and his organization was the ability to provide these low cost wheelchairs to disabled persons in developing countries at no cost. To overcome this challenge, they have established partnerships with a number of charitable organizations. To date, they have provided wheelchairs free of cost to over 70,000 people in 46 countries. Their mission is to provide 20 million wheelchairs by the year 2010. This is a noble mission, indeed. The Free Wheelchair Mission has generated a lot of positive press for their amazing work, and they were recently acknowledged by the American President, George W. Bush, for the wonderful work they are doing. If only there were more people like Don Shoendorfer.
zaterdag 18 juli 2009
Ghost Mothers
For others, the mother still occupies the psyche, but with a wrenching kind of longing—a mother that is biological and even sometimes present, but also a mother who is so self-involved as to be emotionally absent, or literally out of the picture. This kind of mother takes up space and energy as a nagging, missing piece, a ghost. Her image hovers, her memory, or perhaps a dream of how it could have been, should have been, but never is.
Which kind of mother do you have?
My mother was a dream. I realize now, 10 years after her death, that I was always trying to get the dream to come true—to have her be warm and huggy, to have her want to know me, to visit me in my house, to know my children. To know me. It never happened. It left a yearning that I played out with men, it left a hole that I tried to fill in many ways.
When I was little, she left me when I was four years old, and once a year appeared in the landscape of my life—I lived with her mother—only to disappear too soon and in a flurry of anger at her own mother, without seeming to notice how hard it was for me.
So many people—men and women—struggle with this kind of emptiness, the burn of anger in the pit of the stomach, the unanswered questions that can’t be asked—why are you like this?
Mothers who are neglectful, selfish, and abandoning do not set out to do these things, they are a result of her own problems, her own pain, and maybe even mental illness. It is hard for us as her child to see this fully, or to forgive it.
How to help to heal the Ghost Mother wound:
1. Learn about your mother’s life—how she became the way she is—though talking with relatives, if she won’t talk to you directly, or by sitting down and hashing through history shown in photos and family albums.
2. Find adoptive mothers who will nurture you, and friends who understand your story.
3. Learn to mother yourself—though therapy, through having children of your own. They will teach you.
4. Write your story. Tell your story. Having witnesses to your story is a part of healing. Seeing compassion in the eyes of others shows you that you are worthy of it, and deserve it.
5. Learn to forgive. Work on it. Work on being yourself and having a life you like and enjoy.
6. Learn to surround yourself with who you like, people who love and like you, and beauty that makes you feel part of the web of life.
vrijdag 17 juli 2009
Glitters Of Gold
Secrets are hard to keep and Sam Brannan in San Francisco caught wind of the potential. Did he want the gold? No! He thought in terms of supply and demand. If gold seekers came they would need shovels and picks and pie tins. Sam bought all of them he could find within hundreds of miles. He bought them for pennies, and when the gold seekers came rushing in, he sold them for fifteen dollars (an exorbitant amount in those days). Within weeks Sam was the same as a millionaire. He made his fortune without ever sweating over the river.
Bending over the river searching for those specks of gold that were half the size of a pea was painful and exhausting work. For those experiencing success it was worth it. News of the sore muscles and aching backs reached an innovative thinker back in Indiana. He made his fortune selling a bottled salve to the fortune seekers who were traveling through on their way to California. “Just rub it all over your body and roll down a hill. The gold will stick to this special salve and you’ll be rich without slaving over the river.” Those with the glint of gold in their eye couldn’tresist such an offer.
Most of the gold seekers left their homes during 1849 and were dubbed “the 49ers.” The majority of them never arrived, but all encountered someone applying the law of supply and demand along the route. Trying to get through the desert without any water took the lives of many. Realizing this, the entrepreneurs in California brought buckets and barrels of water to the dessert – which they sold for as high as $100 a drink. If you didn’t have the money to pay, you were left to dehydrate and die in the desert.
Even though striking it rich with gold, many settlers found it hard to come out ahead financially. While they might have earned a dollar a day back where they originally came from, and were making twenty-five dollars a day now, those selling food were also playing the game of supply and demand. A meal at the end of the day took all of that twenty-five dollars. Those who found sources of food to sell were the ones who became rich. Sutter, the courageous thinker who originally found the gold, had his thousands of acres of agricultural land raided, his cattle stolen and slaughtered for food. Sutter remained penniless. And all the 49ers are now gone.
The elusive value of gold continues to fluctuate as concepts of supply and demand are applied in the minds of people. Ultimately, any object or service is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Although ‘all that glitters is not gold,’ gold still influences the economies of every nation.
donderdag 16 juli 2009
Are You A Caring Lover?
Unless your love is not a synonym for physical relation, your love must transcend ordinary relationships. Let me give you an example. A mothers relation with her children is beyond and different from every other relationship. Similarly, if you truly love, you will care, because to love means to care. What about you? Are you a caring lover?
Let me ask you a simple question. Your darling has not bothered to call you for few days. What kind of ideas do you get? Your answer to this question will tell you a lot about your love. Do you suspect that he/she might have fallen in love with somebody else/ or that they are not bothered about you? Or that there may be something wrong, otherwise it is impossible that your lover will not call. Unless your answer is the last one, you need to rethink about your relationship and you may not call it as love.
To love means to give. Love demands that you keep your beloved happy. You forgive them for major blunders. You be with them through everything. Love means to become one with your sweetheart. Unless that happens, it is not love, but a pretense of love. If you love, you must care.
Benefits Of I.D. Badges
Everyone knows that I.D. Badges are significant to the society. It is used to identify each person from his office, school, and country. But is this the only benefit the I.D. badges provide?
In general, the I.D. badge serves as a function to identify the ID bearer as a person who is supposed to be in the building. The ID badge gives comfort to the people around him that he is significantly there for a reason. To establish that I.D. badges are truly essential in your daily lives, here are two instances where I.D. badges are advantageous.
ID Badges benefit the school in many ways.
1) In a learning environment like schools, universities, libraries and others, the ID badge is a requirement. Because of major developments in the technology, a database of pictures and personal information is easy to obtain from schools.
* Identification – because of the I.D. badge, the school management would be able to determine the students and the teachers who come into the gate. They would be able to keep track of visitors who come into the school compound.
* Record – by setting up a rule that the I.D. badges is a standard operating procedure on registration processing, the school would be able to keep a record of all its students.
* Access – I.D. badges could be used as admission of events, meal stubs for students and faculty, borrowing of books and school equipments like an LCD projector,
* Security – since the faculty and students are required to wear their I.D. badges on gate entry, the school could prevent kidnappings, terrorism and other modes of violence from outsiders. It could also prevent stealing and other minor crimes.
* Machines – if all the I. D. badges have been formatted for school purposes alone, it could be used as an access to vending machines in the campus.
2) In a working environment, one has to be rest assured that the workplace is a community where you could be able to trust the people you work with. By making use of I.D. badges,
* Identification – The company could be able to distinguish the people working in each department whether it may be in maintenance or financial department, each employee is listed in the database of profiles. the employee has forgotten to bring the I.D., it would make it easier for the security department to view the employees profile in the database to authenticate his identity.
* Security – Not only do the employees would feel safe, the company itself prevents spies from other companies, thieves, and unauthorized personnel. By making sure that each employee is using their I.D. badge, all of the people in the workplace would feel a get the impression that they belong and is being taken care of. If
* Integrity – with these I.D badges in process, the company is reflecting professionalism throughout the office. Since the badges could provide the job nature of each employee with corresponding social security numbers or serial code, the company is presented to the public with respect.
Since these two institutions serve as the two important root of a society, it could be proved that I.D. badges work for them in many ways.
Plus, I.D. badges could be used more minor purposes.
I.D. badges could be used as any access control cards. As used in hotel key cards, I.D. badges could provide their costumers with their personal key to their own private suites. With just one swipe, they could make use of the hotel’s facilities. These I.D. badges could serve as medical identification cards that could ensure that they are entitled for medicinal purpose alone.
The I.D. badge could be used in election procedures wherein the needed information are placed into the database and all the necessary numbers and data could be retrieved with just one swipe.
With many events happening in a day, I.D. badges could be used as passes for any kind of gig. It could be applied as passes for restaurants, gift certificates that could serve as meal stubs, event passes on major and minor concerts, galleries, and many more.
In summary, I.D. badges serve the society in many purposes. It is an information gate-way to major businesses, institutions and the country. Without these, the people in a high-tech world would be disorganized.